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Hypergeometric Differential Equation

Gradshteyn & Ryzhik

According to §9.151 (p. 1045) of Gradshteyn & Ryzhik (1965), "… a hypergeometric series is one of the solutions of the differential equation,

which is called the hypergeometric equation. And, according to §9.10 (p. 1039) of Gradshteyn & Ryzhik (1965), "A hypergeometric series is a series of the form,

Among other attributes, Gradshteyn & Ryzhik (1965) note that this, "… series terminates if or is equal to a negative integer or to zero."

Van der Borght

General Value for b

Comment by J. E. Tohline: In Van der Borght (1970), the fourth argument of the hypergeometric function is ax2 whereas the more general power law form, axb, applies.
Comment by J. E. Tohline: In Van der Borght (1970), the fourth argument of the hypergeometric function is ax2 whereas the more general power law form, axb, applies.

In association with his equation (3), 📚 R. Van der Borght (1970, Proc. Astr. Soc. Australia, Vol. 1, Issue 7, pp. 325 - 326) states that a displacement function of the form,

provides a solution to the following 2nd-order ODE:

Is this ODE essentially the same as the above-defined hypergeometric equation?

A mapping between the two differential equations requires,


in which case,













Multiplying through by gives,







which matches equation (3) of 📚 Van der Borght (1970) if the expressions for the four new scalar coefficients are,





If, for any given problem, we are given the values of these four scalar coefficients along with a choice of the exponent, , that appears in the fourth argument of the hypergeometric series, we can determine values the other three arguments of the hypergeometric series — — and the exponent, . In what follows we show how this is done.

Determining the Value of c

i.) Determining the value of the exponent, , from and

Equating in the 2nd and 3rd of these expressions, gives,

The pair of roots, , of this quadratic equation are then obtained from the relation,

Note for further use below that,


Consistent with our derivation, 📚 Van der Borght (1970) states, "… if , are the solutions of … then …"

Determining the Value of γ

ii.) Determining the value of, , from and

Combining our 3rd expression with the quadratic equation for in such a way as to eliminate , we find,

Adopting the superior sign, we find that,


where, in order to make this last step we have drawn from the relation derived in box "i." immediately above.

Consistent with this derivation, 📚 Van der Borght (1970) states, "… …"

Determining the Value of β

iii.) Determining

Combining our 1st and 4th expressions in such a way as to cancel terms involving , we find,

Also, from the 1st expression alone we can write,

Together, then, we have,

The pair of roots, , of this quadratic equation are then obtained from the relation,

📚 Van der Borght (1970) states that if, "… are solutions of , then … " Let's see if our derivation leads to this same conclusion. First note that the roots, , of this Van der Borght quadratic equation are,

If we assign the inferior root with Van der Borght's notation, , then,

Completing the Squares to Determine the Value of α

First, Complete the square in the quadratic equation for :

Second, complete the square in the quadratic equation for — which also completes the square for :

Third, complete the square in the quadratic equation for :




Taking the positive root of both sides of this expression, we find that,

But, . So we conclude, as did 📚 Van der Borght (1970), that,

Alternatively, taking the negative root of the RHS of this expression, we find that,


Also, given that,



As long as we assume that in this expression, we also obtain the 📚 Van der Borght (1970) expression for , namely,

If b = 2










Multiplying through by a term proportional to gives us,







Familiar Foundation

Drawing from an accompanying discussion, we have the,

LAWE:   Linear Adiabatic Wave (or Radial Pulsation) Equation


Multiplying through by , and making the variable substitutions,

the LAWE may be rewritten as,



If we furthermore adopt the variable definition,

we obtain what we will refer to as the,

Kopal (1948) LAWE

📚 Kopal (1948), p. 378, Eq. (6)
📚 Van der Borght (1970), p. 325, Eq. (1)

Specifically for Polytropes

Let's look at the expression for the function, , that arises in the context of polytropic spheres.

General Expression for the Function μ

First, we note that,









Trial Displacement Function

Now, building on an accompanying discussion, let's guess,



Flipping it around, we have alternatively,

Plug into Kopal (1948) LAWE

Replace ftrial by μ

Plugging this trial function into the Kopal (1948) LAWE and recognizing that , we find,





Noting that, and

the frequency-squared term may be rewritten as,

Replace μ by ftrial

Making instead the alternate substitution, namely,



we have,



Noting that,

we furthermore can write,






Seek Hypergeometric Form

Start with the standard LAWE, namely,


Part I

Try switching the independent variable from to such that,











Part II

Part I Summary …


As a result,







































Part III

Now, suppose that . We have,




Now, in order for the last term to be zero, we need,

This is precisely the relation that results from the definition of if the model is evolved assuming . We simultaneously seek the relation,


It appears as though the leading coefficient, , is arbitrary, so we will set it equal to unity. This means that the displacement function is,

This expression for the displacement function, , is identical to the expression found inside the square brackets of our separately derived exact solution of the polytropic LAWE. Furthermore, given the notation, , the first term on the RHS of the LAWE will go to zero when, .

Part IV

If we divide through by , the LAWE that was derived above in Part II assumes the following form,



which resembles the above-discussed hypergeometric differential equation, namely,

For the record we note that the coefficient (in square brackets) of the first term on the RHS of our LAWE expression is the square of the first derivative of with respect to ; that is,


Part V

Now suppose that, , where again,

Recalling that,

Part I Summary …

it may prove useful to recognize that,

In this case we have,




Useful ?????

Try again …






Looks pretty hopeless!

Example Density- and Pressure-Profiles

Properties of Analytically Defined, Spherically Symmetric, Equilibrium Structures

Uniform Density

In the case of a uniform-density, incompressible configuration, the Kopal (1948) LAWE becomes,



Given that, in the equilibrium state,

we obtain the LAWE derived by 📚 T. E. Sterne (1937, MNRAS, Vol. 97, pp. 582 - 593) — see his equation (1.91) on p. 585 — namely,



This also matches, respectively, equations (8) and (9) of 📚 Z. Kopal (1948, Proc. NAS, Vol. 34, Issue 8, pp.377-384), aside from what, we presume, is a type-setting error that appears in the numerator of the second term on the RHS of his equation (8):   appears, whereas it should be .

In order to see if this differential equation is of the same form as the hypergeometric expression, we'll make the substitution,

in which case the 📚 Sterne (1937) LAWE may be rewritten as,



This is, indeed, of the hypergeometric form if we set

Combining this last pair of expressions gives,




Example α = -1

If we set , then the eigenvector is,

and the corresponding eigenfrequency is obtained from the expression,

As we have reviewed in a separate discussion, this is identical to the eigenvector identified by 📚 Sterne (1937) as mode "".

More Generally

More generally, in agreement with 📚 Sterne (1937), for any (positive integer) mode number, , we find,


And, in terms of the hypergeometric function series, the corresponding eigenfunction is,

See Also

  • In an article titled, "Radial Oscillations of a Stellar Model," 📚 C. Prasad (1949, MNRAS, Vol 109, pp. 103 - 107) investigated the properties of an equilibrium configuration with a prescribed density distribution given by the expression,

    where, is the central density and, is the radius of the star.

  • MathProjects/EigenvalueProblemN1:   In the most general context, the LAWE takes the form,

    Properties of Analytically Defined Astrophysical Structures

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